A DSC or as known in long form as Digital Signature Certificate, is the digital form of physical or paper certificates. It uses a mathematical algorithm to identify and secure the document and ensure that the content of the message is not altered in the process of transmission.
There is no fear of repudiation in a digital signature because a digital signature is unique to each document. It serves as the identity of the signer. The signer of a document cannot deny on a later stage that they have not signed the document or were not aware of the content of the document.
Digital signatures use a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that keeps the content of a message secure which is being transmitted through an online medium with the help of two cryptographic keys - a Public Key and a Private Key. These keys are used to encrypt and decrypt a message sent between a sender and receiver. The private key encrypts the message sent from the sender and can only be decrypted by the recipient with the help of the public key. This cryptographic format ensures that the content of the document has not been altered while being transmitted through the online channel.
A digital signature is a legally authorized entity under the IT Act 2000. The Government of India has formed a hierarchical structure containing different authorities that check the hygiene of digital signatures and document them digitally for future use. To understand this process you can refer to our blog title “Contribution of DSC in e-Governance”
A Digital Signature Certificate business generally comprises services like Digital Signature Certificates, eSign Services, PKI Services, and related services. A person seeking to start their own DSC firm can directly avail legal authority by registering themselves under the Approved Certifying Authority of India, that is the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA). Since, we are speeding towards a technology-driven, fully-digitalised future, the Digital India initiative of the Government of India has made it possible for businesses like Digital Signature Certificates to come to the fore. From a futuristic perspective, DSC businesses have full potential to cater to the digital age demands and help people easily shift to paperless applications.
It is digitalization that has made lives easier, convenient and faster. People are moving forward and have accepted the digital revolution and made it an active part of their lives. Consumers are turning to digital consumers at a very fast pace and this is when the businessmen need to update and cater to online demands digitally. Digital signatures in this scenario work as the secure bond which takes the message from the sender and helps it reach the end user without any fear of tampering. It helps to build and secure the trust between the parties involved.
People from all walks of life have started adopting digital methods of communication and signing documents not only because of their convenience but also because of their time-saving and cost-saving benefits. Here are few examples of of people from various sectors who have adapted and started utilizing digital signatures :
A digital signature is a legally authorized entity under the IT Act 2000. The Government of India has formed a hierarchical structure containing different authorities that check the hygiene of digital signatures and document them digitally for future use. To understand this process you can refer to our blog title “Contribution of DSC in e-Governance”
Anyone can become a DSC Entrepreneur and start their own business by joining a DSC partner/reseller program offered by an authorized digital signature certificate provider Or they can also directly register themselves under the Approved Certifying Authority of India.
Here is a list of people who can explore an Entrepreneurial future in DSC business by becoming a DSC Reseller/Partner or by opening their own DSC Firm :
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